Wednesday, June 17, 2015

850 from 05.19.2015 New Big Mac Carton Display Case, lost mail and Todd Rodgren

Don't think you will ever see Donnie at the Apostle Island Ice Caves.
When I was in the Air Force my dorm buddy loved Todd Rodgren and liked me well enough until I went Jesus Freak on him in the 70's.

 Oh Look! A new Big Mac carton display case! How cool is that?
Time to scan more letters. I have about fifty-six to do. Yikes!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Friday, June 12, 2015

848 from 03.17.2015 The Lunar Year of The Packers

 Yankee Baseball
 Drug test fail for Scammer of 25 million dollars

Don sees a pattern

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

847 from 03.16.2015 Pi Day and old Mr. Kohlman's pine cones

Bones at the 49-er game in New York against the Jets

846 from 03.13.2015 Don's granddaughter Serena and Mary and the Gourd Convention

This was a horrible piece of news from the past. A boat capsized in the Chicago River killing near a thousand souls.

 Donnie's newest granddaughter sees him eat his first Big Mac. The weather warms and Mary goes to a Gourd Convention in Madison.

 Maps & stamp.

Monday, June 8, 2015

845 from 03.03.2015 Yankees letters for Sale

Our dad and Donnie's kids when they were littler.

That will be my pic for the blog of my dearly departed pop for Father's Day and enjoy the Letter!

 Stoopid guv Walker.