Friday, August 7, 2015

Letter 875 from 04.17/18.2015 Donnie gets insomnia

 Donnie the Sufferer.

 Donnie the Electrician.

 Welcome to the digital Age brother! Debit card anyone?

 Wonder if Mary can grow an 80 year old gourd?

 Stoopid guv Walker.

Letter 875

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Letter 873 from 04.15.2015 The Wisconsin Warbler and Don's 43rd year of eating Big Macs!!


Maybe those complaining bowlers should run one of those long floor mops over their lanes before they bowl if they are too damn oily!!! Just sayin'.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Letter 872 from 04.14.2015 Don writes about Luck and Fate and Artifacts

 Sad article about a state with governor Walker in it:
 Don talks of The Beaver & Nature.
 The Lincoln Stuff:

Monday, August 3, 2015

Letter 871 from April 13 2015 Earthquake History Lesson

 Short letter but the next nine are ready to go up so be on the Look-Out!
Glad to hear that the frogs are croaking in Wisconsin.