Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Letter 799 from 01.19.2015

Wow! Remember when I opened up Letter 800? It was posted on 01.27.2015. So that puts me pretty close to 2 months behind in reading Donnie's OCD Letters to Me/Us. They are not all that bad really. And this letter in particular seems to be a good one. I sent Don a question about the Skeleton in the Semi that he and Bones saw at The Full Throttle Bar in South Dakota on a trip last year to Yellowstone or something. Then the Semi Guy Dies in my brother's backyard. So we get to read his response to my question and see some pix from the bar of the truck I am guessing. (I have only glanced at this lengthy letter). So let's get to it and read:

 Yup. That's what it was! The answer to my question and there below is the pic and a map. Lucky Us!
 I'll put up some photos from Full Throttle that I got off the web that were probably sent to Donnie in a letter by me.

Fort McHenry. A good History Lesson that Francis Scott Key story.

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