Sunday, April 12, 2015

Letter 819 02.11.2015

So after a mix-up on those last two posts I thought I would start with a flashy pix scan of anothre of Donnie's Stadiums. This one may be in Florida? That is an ice bubble people cooler so just think of Florida. Oh..and it does say Miami. See, I haven't read these letters yet REALLY. But I remembered the scan.  And the word "anothre" was not corrected because Game of Thrones starts tonight and they probably wrote like that back then. I haven't seen the show but am reading the Books so there you are. On to letter 819 from 02.11.2015:

Here is some Bowling News to start off with, as you know, Donnie is a Bowler. This is an interesting bit:
 Haha. Don throws out his Slippers.

 Sad Shoeless Joe clip. NBA mummy joke.

Mary gets an editorial published in Wisconsin's hinterland about prison workers being "forced" to work extra shifts but with the dis-assemblage of the union system something, something it goes:
Me. I am married to the corporation model. Just glad it is working for a man such as I and in my position in life.

Oh! And that was an awfully SKINNY and HARD to READ Printing for the Public Record for a Concerned Citizen's response to Some Issue that is Causing Such A Ruckus ! ! Sheesh !. Make it hard on those of us Who CAN Read and nearly Impoosible ! Impoosible I Say!

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