Saturday, February 28, 2015

Letter 779 from 12.24.2014

Well, it is the Christmas Eve Letter obviously and this is a night I, Dan Gorske, like to stay in and put on the Yule Log on YouTube and open presents that may have come in the mail. A quiet night for me generally.

Shoot. If I ever catch up doing this it'll be a wonder! Hah. Letters 829 and 830 arrived today. Well, Let's see what 779 has to say:

The Apple Glass Building in New York City where the Store is underground.

Joe Cocker dies
 The Lady at the Shell Store sells Don a MegaMillions Ticket because she wants him to buy her a car. She sings Christmas Carols with an aire of lunacy.
 Mary feeds a smorgasbord to the squirrels. People in urban areas hate squirrels.

McD printout about the Big Mac fiasco:

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