Monday, October 27, 2014

Well how about those SF Giants! Don will surely comment on this in the letters coming down the pipe but for now we'll have to deal with letters numbered 700 through 706. It appears 701 & 702 aren't in my stash but one of those must be the story about Don's Green Sweater that we'll get to at another time. Okay, let's go:

The Green Sweater Story looms on the horizon. I love the perch dinner at Wendt's. It was a place that our dad and mom would take us out to on Friday nights when we were younger. Now it is way more popular and nicer than the old-style bar of yesteryear.

My brother doesn't like to run out of a product that he believes in.

Don't think Don is fond of Gov. Walker of Wisconsin. Neither am I.

Lead off is a dog eats socks story.

My brother The Comedian thinks I look like Robin Williams.

Boy! That was one full letter of articles and words from Don.

Don likes to let me know if my world is crumbling:

 Just random clippings that found their way into this letter.

Alright. That should do it for today, October 27th 2014
Thanks for reading!

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